Wednesday, March 12, 2014

#Gustav #Klimt #tribute #art #painting #illustration #wall #artist My favourite artist tribute painting suffering, madness, illness, death & evil

What i love about Klimt's work is the many different patterns, surface decoration he uses. I really enjoyed painting the water in the illustration

 This is a tribute inspired painting from one of my favourite artists Gustav Klimt. I have always loved his work since i did a project on him at college & wanted some new art for my living room so i got out the paint brush's & set to work. This painting was based on his Beethoven Frieze art work painted in 1902, i know 1902! He was so ahead of his time. This was only a very small section of that painting that i was drawn too in a airy way. I havn't completely copied his work i wanted to make it my own, i have exaggerated some parts & added others. 

The beethoven Frieze was a painting illustrating human desire for happiness in a suffering & tempestuous world with weakness & evil all around. The women that i have painted represented in his work sickness, madness, death, wantonness & lust, i hope i have captured those feeling in my tribute art work.

I love the gold that Klimt would use in his paintings. When the light hits my painting you can see the different bronze & gold paint i used

The different layers in this painting were almost like they were peeling & splitting out of the earth, like the skulls in the background

The different patterns that Klimt used in the background reminded me of DNA or cells & this worked well with representing sickness so i elaberated on this so they looked like cells multi plying 

I gave the painting a look where it was almost evil & death pouring out of a overhead porthole 

I gave the charters in this painting i slight sugar skull look

I also added a crown to the figure above the other figures she seemed to be more representative of evil hovering over the others

Im not sure what the little stone or creature represented in klimt's work but i saw it as a stone-the earth looking up at the women in horror

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