Monday, March 10, 2014

Cute stuffed plush monster owl creatures of the night soft toy hoot hoot

Three little hand sown fabric monster owls

Cute Little Creations

If you have a favourite t-shirt thats too old to wear but has a fanatic print then don't trow it away, make a cute little monster for your shelf or if you fill it with beans or sand it can be a door stop. I hand sown mine so you don't even need a sowing machine, it the perfect weekend craft project idea.
I made these for my book shelf at home, cute little owl monsters 

They were all made from old t-shirts. The large owl was a old ralph loren t-shirt i loved the vintage style flag.

recycled hand made owls, i used old cut up cloths for the stuffing so they were completely recycled

owl fabric hand crafted little creatures of the night with button eyes

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