Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mushroom picture revamped from a old picture frame

Revamp a old picture frame into a fairytale mushroom picture

All you will need is a old picture frame, white paint, cream paper, sandpaper, scissors & some cream, red & green material scraps or you could just use sheet felt. There is no sowing or glue required as the glass holds everything in place. 
Remove glass & backing to the frame then sand down & paint

I only gave it a wash of white paint because i like the worn vintage look
Get your cream paper & cut it to fit the frame, this is your backdrop. Cut-out some simple but different sized mushrooms & a little grass then position onto the backdrop of card. If you are happy with the layout place the glass on top this will hold everything into place.

Keep the glass in contact with the picture as you put the frame back together & there you have it a cute little forest mushroom pic xx

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                                            Other mushroom creations to make you smile ;)

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