Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to make a recycled rag rug or bath matt

Recycled Rag Rug/bath matt

I needed a new bath matt & didn't see any that i liked in the shops so i thought i will make my own. 

All you need to make this matt or rug is simply loads of scraps of fabric. I used matching complimentary colours but you can make a multi colour matt if you want. You don't need any crochet skills because this matt/rug was made simply by weaving & tying the fabric together. All it takes is your time which i found very therapeutic, tying & weaving the fabric together.  
I started off by cutting lots of strips of fabric, all the same length. The length is up to you. The longer the length the bigger the matt/rug will end up. I then knotted the middle so i had a centre to tie everything off. I used platted strips  of fabric & weaved them around the centre.
Then i added more strips by just tying them to the centre. Again i added to the centre weaving in & out the longer strands of fabric.

Keep on weaving, knotting & tying fabric

Keep on adding & it will begin to look more full. Try to space the different colours out.
At this point i desided i wanted it a little bigger so i just added some more strands & weaved/knotted some more

Nearly finished, i tryed it out for size. Once you are happy with the size start to weave & fill any gaps in the rug. If you want to you could add a base by cutting a circle of fabric & sowing it underneath.

finished matt. I used a needle & thread to just sow round the edge of the rug to neaten the edge or you could add tassels.

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