Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Halloween scary pumpkin head cake decoration party food

Halloween scary face pumpkin cake decoration

This is a fun & easy cake to make & its one that the kids can help you decorate too. Its not the most detailed cake but looks the part. You can stick candles in the hollow of the eyes or you could fill them with even more treats, yum yum.
I used icing sugar mixed with water & orange food colouring (or yellow & red to make orange) for the face. I brought white icing that you can just roll or mould into whatever shape you want for the other face details. They were painted with food colouring at the end so you will need black & green.
The teeth i left white & i added some stitches to the face with black food colouring & a paint brush, just to make it look a bit more scary.

The basic cake mixture i always go with is the same amount of ingredient with everything. I used 100g of butter so thats 100g of self raising flour & 100g of sugar. My mum always used to make cakes like this & iv always enjoyed eating them. I add 2 eggs, raisons(hand full), apple cut into small chunks(hand full), teaspoon of baking powder, teaspoon of cinnamon & dash of milk
I used two ends of a apple & section of apple in the cake mixture to give it the hollowed out effect, just remove the apple segments after its baked to leave the holes. Looks a bit similar to myself when using a face mask.
Adding the eyes with icing circles

To make the teeth just make little corn shapes

It would of looked even better with some jelly worms coming out of its mouth

Remember it doesn't have to look perfect. Thats the great thing about halloween the more hideously ugly, the better.
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                                                                  Happy Halloween

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