Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Handmade animals & all things cute your kids will love

Cute things, yes we can't get enough of them even if they have no practical use or meaning you have just got to love them. Having children gives you the excuse to buy or make even more little cute things. Here are some i have been crafting.
I have recently founded the joy of working with sheet felt. What a wonderful media. It cuts easy, there are no fray edges to worry about and it is relatively cheap to buy. You can get A4 sheets of it which are about $1.15 in Lincraft or if you want to go wild you can buy it of the roll. It comes in a vast range of colours too, what more do you want. Easy peasy

Above are a few of my creations. I made two door hangings the first one a ballerina rabbit and the second a pirate theme rabbit. They are both three dimentional which adds to there charm. They are hand-sown so it is more time than skill and you can add as much or little detail as you like, i added cute little pom pom tails to mine.

You can also see in the picture three different styles of girls hair clips i also made using felt. All you need is your metal clip base, i cut out felt flower shapes and added the cute fimo  animals. The animals are beads so i just sown then to the clip base.
                                                      Here are two more i made. I used a lilli pad shape for the frog design and added some pink ballerina net to the backdropYou can either make the animals from polymer clay or they do sell them on ebay. Perfect for little girls who like a particular animal they do pigs, koalas and much more. You don't have to add the animals you could keep it simple and just make felt flowers. 
These two were also hand-sown and made from felt but i used pipe cleaners in their arms so they can be bent and hooked around things. I have these dangling of my sons shelf in his room. They have wooden button eyes, they would work well as little monkeys too xx
  You can add as little or as much charater as you wish, i sent this one to my sis in the uk so i put a little scarf round it to keep it warm he he.

Little baby felt creation
After making these i noticed a children's program called moo Barr double quack double quack and they make some super cute characters in there animated cartoon made from felt. Google it my fav is the frog she is adorable. 

Yes felt mushrooms. Also made from felt apart from the necklace i made from glass beads i found on ebay, just had to have them and create something. I put a little pocket in one of them so it can be used for tooth collection for the tooth fairy he he.
I love filling my sons room with lots of bright wall art here are some of my creations

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 Little red riding hood, watch out theres some one behind you.
These are canvas's where i have used a painted backdrop with felt cut outs. This is a mini pirate.
I just addore the hungry caterpillar so i made this canvas for my sons room. I used cut sponge to get the same effect
that the original images the book has by eric carle. I
also did a complete theme of the hungry caterpillar
for my sons 1st birthday.

Handmade cushions

Very easy to make, honest. I recently was brought a sowing machine by my dad for christmas after telling him how i longed to make lots of things which couldn't be hand sown so he very kindly gave me the money to buy one, Thanks dad. Anyway the last time i remember using one was at school which was a very long time ago, oh and how can i forget the time i used my mums for a college project and it just happened to fall apart just after i had ago...whoops! Needless to say i was feeling a little nervous as i didn't have a clue how to thread it or what a bobbin did but it came with great instructions and i was soon well away.
Basically all you need to do to make a cushion is a set square to measure the square shapes. Fabric which you will need enough for two sides but you can use different fabric to give a contrast or complimentary colour. All you need to remember when measuring your squares is to allow for a seam so add an extra 1.5cm to each edge. I iron back my seams so it gives me a visible edge to sow down.

I now have a shop on zazzle*


I was shopping at our local charity shop and picked this little fellow up, just had to post a pic xxx
Say Yes to Cookies!

Home is where the heart is....Beach house decoration & craft


 I was walking on the beach collecting all these wonderful washed up treasures, as the weeks past i had quite a collection just waiting to be turned into somthing interesting. This is one of my creations made from wire, drift wood, shells & lots of other interesting bits i had.
 This is a easy & very cheap project to do. You can get the kids involved too as they love to collect shells & you could even change the theame by changing the colour. For exsample you could add red berry's for christmas or go black for halloween.
 I made my beach reef by first laying out the drift wood into a circle shape then you can glue or nail the bits of wood together. This gives you a sterdy base to weave into. Then you can weave in rope, wire, material anything you see fit that has a rustic look to it. Don't worry about colours not matching because you can spray paint the whole lot to give it that white wash look. Then you can get really creative and add all those shells and trinkets you may have laying around the home. If your short of bits & bobs your local charity shop will be shore to have lots of goodies. I just used vintage buttons, broken jewellery and even old plastic bird cake decorations, go wild decorating it is the best bit.


You will need to wash shells and dry them before use. Try soaking them in vinegar or water with a drop of t-tree oil them get them in the sun for a quick dry.

This was another one i made. I added this star xmas decoration in the centre

These flowers were made from sheet metal, all you need is some metal cutting snips. Cut out petal shapes and join them together in the centre with a thread of wire and attach.

This was a dried up star fish i found, you can buy them to add.

Small Bird House Design.

Another small cost effective project i made was a small bird house. I came up with the idea because i had saved up loads of lollipop sticks and wanted to do something with them. 
I made the box construction in fist by making front, back, side top and base walls just by joining the lolli sticks with PVA glue and tissue paper. I cut a hole in the front panel before putting all the sides together (using the glue and paper) to make the box shape. 

I used a cut off section of a toilet roll for the round circle and covered the lot with different papers to give
it a more seamless finish.

And for the best part added decoration of a small bird and twigs i collected. You can glue them or attach with wire. Most
florists sell these small birds or some margin shops if your lucky. I also added a chain with a small picture hook to the top of the house so i could hang it.
If you do want to make one for outdoor use you could give it a coat of outdoor clear gloss which will make it a bit more weather proof. Happy making xx

Its all about birds

They are so in fashion at the minute and have been for a long time. You see them in most home ware stores printed on fabric, as pictures, pots and even pans. So here are some iv made the other day which will put a smile on your face.
Bird of the Manor 

Vintage Bird

Ballerina Bird

They are made from fabric and wire. I really enjoyed making these in particular adding the different charters to each bird. Watch this space as I'm sure i will be coming up with more of these little cuties. If you have any bird inspired art work feel free to post your ideas xx

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